War Gods of the Deep: welcome to the strange world of Rikk Currence

War Gods of the Deep: welcome to the strange world of Rikk Currence

I have been working with independent artists for over 10 years and I can tell you that I have rarely been as curious to meet them in person as this time. When contacted by Rikk to talk about a single from War Gods of the Deep, at first I didn’t pay much attention, thinking it was just another one of those trashy heavy metal projects inspired by Iron Maiden. However, as soon as I played the single discussed here, I simply went crazy. Not only is it the most fun heavy metal – classic rock I’ve heard in recent months, but the guy behind it all is a show in itself.

However I think our influences are so vast musically that on any given song you may hear many different, yet identifiable “nods” to the music and artists that influence WGOTD so profoundly.

Rikk Currence

Producer, musician Rikk Currence is the name behind the band. Or project created in 2016 in Chicago. As you will attest from the interview below, he has charisma and an acidic, yet accurate, way of seeing things. Rikk managed to package all his influences – musical and visual – transforming them into his own universe, where he becomes a character in his own comics. “WGOTD is an immersive experience, and we want the entire experience to bring the listener along for the ride in as many ways as it can”, explains Currence. Well, I’m getting my ticket next time I’ll be in Chicago. Will you join me?

2 6 Things about WAR GODS OF THE DEEP by Rikk Currence

RC: Hi Rikk, are you in Chicago right now?

R: Yes sir! I am in the western suburbs, about 20-30 minutes outside the city.

RC: Your project, your band has a lot of influence of bands like Thin Lizzy, Iron Maiden, etc….Does your fan base usually gets all of your musical references?

R: That’s a great question…I think for the most part yes. However I think our influences are so vast musically that on any given song you may hear many different, yet identifiable “nods” to the music and artists that influence WGOTD so profoundly, sometimes so many that it might be overwhelming so you just tune out and enjoy the culmination of the influences, which of course is the music.

RC – You obviously love Comic Books, do you think that all the concept, all the identity you create for your music it’s crucial to get you even closer to your audience?

R: Crucial? I really don’t think so. Better, more interesting and certainly more fun, 100% absolutely. WGOTD is an immersive experience, and we want the entire experience to bring the listener along for the ride in as many ways as it can.

RC – “Breaker of Worlds” your new single, sounds pretty much like the beginning of a story…Tell us what is all about.

R: I never reveal the literal meaning of anything I write lyrically. The song means whatever you need or want it to mean, whenever you need tit to, and has the power to change form day to day based on what you need the song to be.

RC: As a producer, what do you think about using AI to make new music?

R: Ha! AI doesn’t make anything, Its not generative organically. It can only copy what has come before it, and even then only things it has been directed to learn about. It’s cute, and I’m sure in it’s time it will make a lot of people a lot of money, but it’s not creating anything, it’s copying and slightly changing what has come before it.

RC: We are in Brazil, do you know any of our music? Tell us what’s the first thing that comes to your head when you hear “Brazil”.

R: I may be off on this, but isn’t Urban Legion from Brazil? Also…The entire story will be for another time..but a close member of my family joined a religious cult, based in Brazil, here in the states. The family member traveled to Brazil, many, may times to continue the descent in to the cult lifestyle, and eventually even married a gal from Brazil. True story. It was a mess. However, I think Brazil (and it’s culture) seem awesome and I am looking forward to making it down there one day!

So, did you enjoy knowing more about War Gods of the Deep? Tell us on the comments.

Marcos Tadeu

Marcos Tadeu

Jornalista, idealizador e apresentador do Rock Cabeça na 100,9 FM, Rádio Inconfidência FM (MG) desde 2016. Acima de tudo, um fã de rock gringo.