7 awesome new covers you probably missed this year

7 awesome new covers you probably missed this year

Here we go for another excellent – in my point of view – list of covers of diverse bands by even more diverse bands. The highlight here is the preciousness of “Bobby”, by Alex G., which has already been performed by big names like Wolf Alice and gains even more grace by the hands of Mitch Rocket.

Mitch Rocket: “Bobby” by Alex G.

Goodnight, Sunrise: “Rockin’ in the free world” by Neil Young

He Said: “Another Dumb Blond” by Hoku

Murmur Tooth: “Poison” by Alice Cooper

Lancelot Schaubert: “Democracy” by Leonard Cohen

Hein: “Country” by Porches

Bad Heather: “Shake it” by Metro Station

Bonus: Yeah Yeah Yeahs (Remix by Dance Yourself Clean)

Don’t forget to check other great cover’s lists like this one

Marcos Tadeu

Marcos Tadeu

Jornalista, idealizador e apresentador do Rock Cabeça na 100,9 FM, Rádio Inconfidência FM (MG) desde 2016. Acima de tudo, um fã de rock gringo.