Iceberg: to the top of the charts

Don’t be fooled by the name. Iceberg, musical project by American Charlotte Berg, has to do with one of the hottest singles released this year. “Swin” is one of those ballads that starts off unpretentious and, in the end, ends up touching us. A very fine production, which places Iceberg among other great female names in contemporary adult music, such as Sarah McLachlan and Dido.
I write things I can’t say.
Charlotte Berg – Iceberg
As a producer of artists from different backgrounds, Charlotte doesn’t have cold feet when trying to create on her own. “Having to concede to another’s ideas not only teaches you new songwriting techniques but it also shows you clearly what your opinion is about a line or a melody“, believes Charlotte, who has 6 more songs in the drawer to be released by the end of the year. As you can see, we are clearly only at the top of this Iceberg.
2 4 Things about Iceberg by Charlotte Berg

RC – First of all, Charlotte. Why “ICEBERG”? Is it a musical project or is it how you see yourself as an artist?
CB – Icebergs are 90% under the surface and my music is about the things that are hard to talk about. I write things I can’t say. My last name is also Herzenberg, so the last part is the same, and I wanted an alias to separate the ‘me’ that’s an artist and the ‘me’ that’s just me. I think it’s easy to identify too much with your passion/job and forget we’re all just human.
RC – “Swim” had a creative process that started long before you wrote the lyrics and chords. Do you feel like you’ve lived this far to generate this song?
CB – Swim is a song about frustration but also a leap of faith and fully diving into what you want. After touring for three years based in Nashville, I’ve worked as a producer in London for the past four, so I’ve lived and breathed music for the last 7. I think Swim was an inevitable consequence of this. Being surrounded by and working with my passion day in and day out without realizing it in all the ways I wanted. I did need to become a producer and produce the song myself to achieve this sound. It’s the sound I’ve been trying to create since I first moved to Nashville so this release is really satisfying.
RC – Like “Swim”, you seem to be an intense person, dedicated to what you believe in in every way. Does that make your job as a songwriter difficult or easier?
CB – When I first became a songwriter for other artists I found it difficult to remove my own artistic vision from the room and aid them with theirs. But this changed pretty quickly. Having to concede to another’s ideas not only teaches you new songwriting techniques but it also shows you clearly what your opinion is about a line or a melody. You learn your own tastes better while picking up new tricks. Now I love writing with other artists. I wrote a song with Matt Terry, X-Factor winner, a couple years ago and it was so fun because his music is much more pop-inclined than mine. I love a lot of pop music but I don’t make myself. Writing in other genres is a fun creative challenge.
RC – After “Swim”, what can we expect from Iceberg?
CB – I’ll be releasing 6 songs, 4 music videos, and 6 live studio sessions with a cello player over the next 6 months. The music video for Swim comes out this Friday. Dean Sherwood, who has worked with The Vamps, Jack Savoretti, and New Hope Club amongst others, filmed it and Harry Baker directed. I’ve never been more excited to release a video. Then I’m opening for some bigger acts at the end of 2022 and touring in 2023. Dates haven’t been released yet so I can’t say who or when but it’ll all be here.. @icebergtheartist and
So, what did you think about Iceberg? Feel free to tell us!