Daisy Grenade+13 best indie rock bands pt.2

Here we are in the second part of our task of mapping some of the most promising indie-rock bands today. What you will notice in this list, in question, is that we have a greater presence of bands with female members, which is just wonderful, isn’t it?
As an example of the success of bands like Wet Leg, we have Daisy Grenade with her delicious sticky indie-rock from Brooklyn (NY), and I’m sure these girls will still go a long way (I hope they show up here, even). We also have, once again, the excited people of Hyaenas, a kind of girl band that write accurate and necessary songs about female empowerment.
Well, not to spoil the surprise, check out my list here and draw your own conclusions. Good trip!
Daisy Grenade
These two gorgeously damaged girlies make up the iconic duo “Daisy Grenade” – a power-punk bubble grunge band that serves a punch with a glitter lip-glossed kiss on the side. It’s the manic pixie dream tumblr girl aesthetic that started out for men but was reclaimed by the girls. It’s an unapologetic Courtney Love on the Barbara Walters Show. You know? The epitome of girl grunge. But in a total not bummer way. And on top of it all, the ladies come from musical theater backgrounds so they can sing their faces off in a way that is almost disturbing. With Pete Wentz (as in THE emo prince of our generation) as a mentor and EP on their upcoming EP SOPHOMORE SLUMP, they turned their glittering angst into sickeningly catchy, morbidly worded bubblegrunge bops that are dripping out of a saccharine shell.
Check them also:
girl from neptune
Fuzzy Sun
Lone Wild
Slipped off Silk
Pink Turns Blue
Swiss Banks
The Comfort
Welcome Strawberry
Tripper and the Wild Things
Say Less
BONUS: Soft Top Intrepid
So, which one of this indie rock bands was your favorite? Don’t forget to check out the first article!