Loda: She Bangs The Drums

Loda: She Bangs The Drums

If today’s article were being written exactly 40 years ago, we certainly wouldn’t be talking about a woman in a context of English alternative rock. Our agenda would consist of the one that propelled a fabulous scene that, to this day, influences the most diverse artists: The Stone Roses. But, thank God, times change (and so does good taste) and today the guys’ bowl haircut has given way to women’s cornrows, and not only that. The best rock and roll available on the market is made by what Bono (U2) regrettably called “little women“.

It’s in this momentum that one of the most exciting London bands I’ve heard in recent years arrives: Carpark, whose name is as simple and short as the objectivity of the energetic songs that don’t owe nothing to Paramore, Avril Lavigne and so many others who paved the way of the so-called “pop-punk”.

And one of the top 3 reasons why the band is so powerful and at the same time so fun is Lauren O’Donnell Anderson, or simply Loda, Carpark’s drummer (and, eventually, Holly Humberstone‘s too).

By the way, don’t let her delicate manner and model pose fool you: when it comes to drums, she’s as if she acts as she’s punching the instrument, turning even Holly Humberstone’s indie “Scarlett” into a melodic hardcore tune that would make Reni weep with envy. About her “punch” drumming style, Loda, who declares herself a Jeff Porcaro’s fan, explains: “I think that’s probably after years of men telling me I don’t hit hard enough“. Well, as you can see, she not only bangs the drums, she hit so hard when the subject is female empowerment.

If it depends on the high demand, it’s possible that many of you will still see Loda on stage, since, both through Carpark and Holly Humberstone, she has performed at some of the world’s leading festivals, such as the paradise of indie music, Primavera Sound and Barn on The Farm, which brings together alternative artists from different levels and had none other than Bleachers as the headliner of the last edition. “We would love be able to tour all over with our music and grow our audience world wide“, says Loda, who is Irish, and contrary to what you might think, has never met Bono. “I would love to have a chat with Bono though. Maybe someday“.

Are you ready for some little women talk, Bono?

2 6 Things about Loda

Loda in action (Carpark Instagram)

RC – Hello Loda, how are things over there? Are you in Ireland?

L – Hey guys! I’m really well thank you 🙂 I’m not in Ireland at the minute. I’m based in London but love getting home to see my family!

RC – I want to talk a little about Car Park. While the world trend is pop, hip hop, the band goes against the grain and offers energetic rock and roll, very well done by the way. As a band, are you asked to change your sound to, shall we say, more in line with the demands of today’s showbiz?

L – Thank you! It’s definitely it’s a tricky time to be a guitar band and there is an element of pressure to make music that’s more palatable to a wider audience that will have more success on streaming platforms/radio. However, there’s still a big demand for noisy riff heavy live music and that’s where we tend to win people over!

The gang (Carpark Insta)

RC – Ireland is a barn of musicians. It’s not even necessary to mention international bands like U2, The Corrs and many others. Does CarPark have this kind of goal, to become known worldwide?

LWe would love be able to tour all over with our music and grow our audience world wide! If we were able to reach U2 or Corrs level of success that would be a dream come true!

RC – And, by the way, have you ever met any member of U2? How it was?

LNo (laughs) I haven’t. I would love to have a chat with Bono though. Maybe someday…

Primavera Sound Barcelona with Holly Humberstone (Loda’s Insta)

RC- Your drumming style is very powerful, it’s like you punch the drums. What other drummers have inspired you along your journey?

L – Thanks! I think that’s probably after years of men telling me I don’t hit hard enough! My favourite drummer of all time is Jeff Porcaro. His feel and style of playing is unmatched in my eyes! I also loved Taylor Hawkins. He has so much powerful, energy and presence! Karen Carpenter as well was an incredible musician with such a unique style.

RC – The first time I saw you play was in a participation in “Scarlett” with Holly Humberstone, and it seems that you complemented the music with a force that it didn’t have until then, in the sense that HH’s compositions are always smooth.

L – Totally. I think Holly’s music is amazing and the recorded versions leave lots of space for her voice to soar and lyrics shine through. They definitely lend themselves to being heavier and rockier in a live setting which makes them very fun to play for me!

Marcos Tadeu

Marcos Tadeu

Jornalista, idealizador e apresentador do Rock Cabeça na 100,9 FM, Rádio Inconfidência FM (MG) desde 2016. Acima de tudo, um fã de rock gringo.